We are a new group of volunteers, set up to help represent the 10,000 registered patients of The Colne Practice. We are all ourselves patients of the practice.
We aim to:-
- Facilitate good relations between patients and The Colne Practice
- Work collaboratively and positively with them to improve the services and facilities available to all patients
- Strengthen two-way communications between the practice, other health care providers and, us the patients, for everyone’s benefit
- Act as a representative group to support the practice
- Meet monthly with staff from the surgery.
This year, 2024/5, our initial focus will be:-
- A patient survey to determine what you think is going well and areas for improvement, as well as identifying the best way to communicate with everyone
- To produce a quarterly newsletter
- To organize a health fair at a local venue for all of our patients at which doctors, nurses and specialist speakers will be available to provide advice and encourage preventative healthcare.