Routine appointments (telephone or face-to-face)
Please call our practice between 08:00 and 18:30 for any routine non-urgent appointments.
We are in the process of developing our online booking appointment service.
However, you may wish to consider completing a ‘Contact us online‘ form as, for most requests, we can reply back with an offer of a non-urgent appointment TEN days after receipt of the completed online form.
Same-day Urgent Appointments (telephone or face-to-face)
Please call our practice at 08:00 for any same-day urgent appointment.
Same-day Urgent Home Visit Appointments (14:00 to 14:30)
Requests for same-day urgent home visits may be made by calling our practice between 08:00 and 12:00.
Home visits are undertaken between 14:00 to 14:30; however, this time can vary depending on service capacity.
Home visits are reserved for patients who are housebound and unable to attend the surgery.
Following the request, a GP may telephone the patient to check if a home visit is the most appropriate way to address the health concern. Patients with serious health issues (such as chest pain, difficulty breathing, or fall at home) or life-threatening conditions are not appropriate for home visits and should contact NHS 111, attend the Hospital Accident and Emergency Department, or summon an ambulance (RING 999).
Speaking to our Reception Team (Care Navigators)
Our care navigator team will enquire as to the reasons for your appointment.
We appreciate that some patients may be reluctant to share the full details of the reasons for the consultation. However, it would be immensely helpful to gather some of this information and check your immediate well-being, as this can help the reception team direct you to the most appropriate and available Health Professional.
All information provided by patients is kept strictly confidential.
What appointments are available?
On most weekdays, we are able to offer appointments with the following healthcare professionals:
- Advanced Nurse Practitioner– This health professional can manage most acute minor illnesses, including prescribing relevant treatments.
- First Contact Physiotherapist– This health professional can assess people with acute and chronic joint or muscular pain. However, if you have sustained an acute injury (for example, a fall) or severe sprain, then it may be advisable to attend the Hospital Accident & Emergency or Minor Injuries Unit (Mount Vernon Hospital), as you may need urgent same-day x-ray investigations.
- Clinical Pharmacist– This health professional can assess people with specific queries regarding their medication. Pharmacists also undertake reviews of patients with specific medical conditions (for example, people with high blood pressure), taking medications requiring increased monitoring (for example, people taking blood-thinning medication called anti-coagulants), and structured medication reviews.
- Duty General Practitioner (Duty GP)– This health professional manages same-day urgent health issues.
- Named General Practitioner– This health professional manages urgent and routine health appointments.
Patients reporting life-threatening emergencies or serious health conditions
Our Reception team (Care Navigators) cannot provide specific medical advice. However, if they assess that you have a life-threatening medical emergency or serious health condition, then they may consult the duty doctor to confirm if a same-day GP appointment would be appropriate.
For more information about understanding whether your symptoms are serious, please see here.
Get help for your symptoms – NHS 111
For real life-threatening emergencies such as those below – RING 999 and ask for an Ambulance:
- Chest pain (suspected heart attack)
- Suspected stroke
- Suspected meningitis
- Anaphylactic shock (severe allergy)
- Heavy bleeding or deep lacerations
- Fluctuating levels of consciousness or completely unconscious
- Difficulty breathing or stopped breathing with a change in colour
- New seizure, fit or uncontrollable shaking
For immediately serious conditions such as the following, please promptly attend Accident & Emergency:
- A fever and lethargic (drowsy) child
- A feverish and floppy (unresponsive) infant
- Difficulty breathing
- Sudden, severe abdominal pain
- Accidental or intentional overdose of medication
- Trauma (including falls) and possible broken bones or road traffic accident
Cancel an appointment
Patients who discover that they are unable to attend their appointment are requested to contact our GP surgery to cancel the appointment. GP surgeries are under considerable resource pressure, so it would be considerate to offer a cancelled appointment to the next patient as soon as it becomes re-available.