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Order a Repeat Prescription

There are FOUR ways to order a repeat prescription.

Option 1: Order via your NHS App

This is the preferred method.
You need to login to your NHS app with your registered e-mail.

NHS app instructions:

  • Once logged in, the first section you see will be Services and select the Request repeat prescription option.
  • The next pagelink will ask you to check the nominated pharmacy where you wish your medicines to be issued, or allow you to change your nominated pharmacy.
  • Once you continue, the next pagelink will allow you to select the medicines recorded on your repeat medicine list by ticking the box next to the medicine.
  • Once you have ticked your preferred medication boxes, you should continue to the next webpage link and here there will be a final question checking whether you wish to submit the chosen prescription request.
    You must select submit in order to complete the whole submission request process.

Option 2: COMPLETE AN ONLINE repeat prescription request form

Click the link below to access the online form.
Once completed, this form is automatically sent to our practice administration team.

Option 3: Submit a paper re-order slip to your Pharmacist or GP Surgery

When you collect a prescription you will see that the printed prescription is perforated down the centre.
The left-hand side is the actual prescription.
The right-hand side (re-order slip) shows a list of medicines that you can request without booking an appointment to see a doctor. Please tear off this section (and keep it).

Please tick your medication requests and submit this re-order slip to your chemist OR GP surgery.

There is a secure repeat prescription collection box at the surgery that is mounted on the wall just inside the main entrance of the surgery. You can deposit your completed re-order slip into this box. This box is checked twice a day by our administration team.

Option 4: Telephoning the practice (only use in emeregency)

Telephone requests are NOT accepted as they can lead to errors and may endanger patients’ health.
In an emergency, a small supply of your repeat medication will be provided if a telephone request is made and the doctor thinks the request is appropriate.